วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552


avre married Deanna Tynes on July 14, 1996. Together they have two daughters, Brittany (born 1989) and Breleigh (born 1999). They are members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Favre's parents, Bonita and Irvin, until his death, help manage his holdings in agriculture and real estate, handle his endorsements and appearances and oversee his charity work. Brett and Bonita Favre released a book in 2004 titled Favre (ISBN 978-1590710364) which discusses their personal family and Green Bay Packers family, including the Monday Night Football game that followed the death of Brett's father Irvin Favre.

Favre established the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation in 1996. In conjunction with his annual golf tournament, celebrity softball game and fundraising dinners, the foundation has donated more than $2 million to charities in his home state of Mississippi as well as to those in his adopted state of Wisconsin.

The Favre family also owns and operates the Brett Favre's Steakhouse, located in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

